Monday, March 2, 2020

Lissie Is Live!

I am happy to announce the birth of my latest book, A Most Uncivil War: Lissie’s Story. It is now available in electronic version as well as in paperback form from Amazon. 

The book a fictional account of my great-great grandmother’s life, was written using my imagination, along with information from old newspaper clippings, and a short autobiography written by her husband, LB Reber, back in 1901.

The really cool thing about LB's book is that, thanks to my brother, Bob, we have re-formatted the book, which has long been out of print, and reissued it so that his story is once again available to anyone interested. In addition, the format is much more readable than the original 

His book is an account of his experiences as a teenage soldier in the Union army and his later life as a Free Methodist circuit riding preacher. This book is also available on Amazon.

Stay tuned on FB as I hope to run a deep discount on the Kindle version of “Lissie’s Story” at the end of this week.