have always viewed the middle as a sort of safe spot. Sort of unequivocal,
neither right nor left, even on the fence, all of which is not particularly
am the older of two children so we didn’t have a middle child in our family. Judging
by “Malcolm in the Middle” and sociological articles, being in the middle of a
family’s birth order is not a particularly comfortable spot.
this era we also see something called the “sandwich generation.” People from
40-60 years old are still raising children (or in some cases, grandchildren)
while needing to be caretakers of aging parents with chronic illnesses, etc. Again,
not a position one might choose.
I was able to attend a conference taught by Beth Moore, Her Bible teaching is always so appropriate and applicable to
our every-day lives and this conference was no exception. Everyone of us are in
the”middle of” some sort of life circumstance—even if, at this point you are in
the middle of a time of peace and serenity.
is just one New Testament reference she used describing how Jesus helped His
disciples as they were in the middle of a hopeless situation. Mark 6:45-51
gives us a startling picture of Jesus walking on the waters of a stormy Sea of
Galilee. His disciples were in the middle of this storm and He graciously calms
the sea.
lesson: “’In the middle’ is the last place we expect a miracle and often where
we get one.”
John 19:6 we again see Jesus “in the middle"—this time, dying for us on a cross between two
sinners, one rejecting Him, the other accepting His gift of salvation. It was
no accident that God planted Jesus’ cross ‘in the middle” of dying sinners.
Thinking about this is especially poignant as we near Easter.
back to being in the middle…of something. Wherever we find ourselves, we need
to remember He is only a “Help me, Jesus,” away. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus tells
us, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
No more need to fear the pressure and stress of being “in the middle of….” Thank You, Lord.