Thursday, August 11, 2011


My first blog post slightly resembles learning to read.  When I was five years old or thereabouts, I remember looking at the Folgers coffee can sitting on a kitchen cabinet and recognizing the letters.  Reading C-O-F-F-E-E out loud to my mother , I stated, “That spells coffee .”  Actually, the only reason I knew that those letters spelled coffee was that I had seen my mother spoon it into the percolator (yes, I know I’m old) and that the brown liquid that resulted from the process was what my folks called coffee.

I’m not really sure how that experience correlates to me and the various types of social media, except that it all has to start somewhere.  In my case:  learning to read many years ago and now in the present, posting on Facebook and setting up a blog are both learning experiences

Hopefully, I will enjoy writing blog posts and my readers will enjoy reading them as much as the very act of reading and all that encompasses has brought me joy over the years.

Please feel free to comment at any time and I will reply (as my Learning Curve increasesJ quickly.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you, Pat! Entertaining & enjoyable read for your 'first time out'; is it really by the way??? Looking forward to reading more blogs from you in the future! :-)
