Sunday, October 6, 2013

Purely Personal

This blog post will be a travelogue of sorts re: our Ft. Worth trip. The first picture is the sun shining through a hole in a stormy cloudscape which reminded me of a spotlight. If you look carefully, you can see two or three. Pretty eerie. This was taken between Silver Zone ad Wendover.  

The 2nd day’s travel ranged from Laramie, WY to Dumas, TX—a long day made even more miserable by the rain and fog we traveled through. Thanks to the fog, we missed seeing the beautiful scenery over the summit between Laramie and Cheyenne. However, we didn't deal with flood waters as Boulder did.

Day 3 put us in at Jeff’s house about an hour before he got home, but that was OK. The next day was B Day—birthday time. No particular celebration this year but we did take Jeff to a new restaurant to him (and of course, to us). Then we bought 3 different LARGE slices of cake at his favorite bakery and topped that off with some ice cream at Braun’s.  (Can you se the "42" candles?)
Sunday was church at Hope and lunch with our friends, the Andersons. Jeff’s DVD player inside of a hand-me-down TV had die and since I use a DVD for  an exercise guide and Dean loves to watch the tube, we made a trek to Radio Shack for those items so the old folks wouldn’t feel deprived
Jeff took Monday off so he could help us get started on the two major goals: Inserting a new side door for his garage and putting up  pegboard for his kitchen renovation so that shelves could be put up and cabinets constructed.

We bought a door at a recycled items place which we are pleased with (unfortunately ran out of time before it could be put in place).  

I spent a chunk of time Monday ridding a copper light shade of many years of grime. We decided to turn it inside out so the copper is visible

My next project was washing the glass crystals of two chandeliers Jeff was given by a friend who is remodelling an old house. (Too bad we didn't have time to get this up to show off the light against the crystals.)

Friday was another “vacation” day (not really) for Jeff and he constructed cabinets for the kitchen that day. We moved furniture around so that his living room and dining room no longer contain quite so much kitchen utensils.

God willing, we will get to go see Jeff for next year’s birthday (Dean drove the 1500 miles in relatively good condition), so we will see what changes evolve in the little Tudor style house on NW 19th by next year.

Our trip back home started out with beautiful sunshine but by the time we reached Cheyenne, the typical Wyoming winds picked up. I love the sight of large wind turbines and these were guarding the horizon outside of Cheyenne. I knew we would seem more turbines between Laramie and Arlington and also on the Three sisters just before we reached Evanston, so thought it was probably silly to snap this picture. Good thing I followed my first intuition as all the other locations had gray skies and snow

We got home safely and I went out to see how “the tomato plant” had fared in our absence. Elko had had freezing temps, but despite that, the 8 blossoms that emerged after the August rain turned into 4 tomatoes! (They have white paper as a background, but may still not be visible.)  A pathetic yield if you're a gardener; an unexpected delight if you're not. I fall in the second category.

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