Saturday, April 4, 2015

New Beginnings

As I stare at it, the title is somewhat redundant. But carrying the idea forward, I think of second chances, renewal, rebirth, or---resurrection.

For the believer in Christ, perhaps Resurrection Sunday could even provide more impetus for a renewed look at life than January 1, the traditional time to make New Year’s Resolutions. What better time to evaluate one’s life, particularly in a spiritual sense, than at the time we celebrate such an awesome happening. Not only did the God-Man, Jesus, die and become alive again, but He also paid humankind’s sin-debt enabling us to have eternal life with Him after our relatively brief sojourn on this planet. Therefore, it seems to be an especially relevant time for an inward look that might result in a renewal for our spiritual selves.

In connection with Resurrection Sunday, I never cease to be amazed at God’s perfect sense of timing. For as our planet Earth is ready for rebirth (or resurrection) with the plant life cycle—at least in our hemisphere—so our Savior became alive again in a totally unique fashion.    

The inserted picture of tulips from my front flower garden consists of flowers that actually bloomed at the end of March—an unheard of happening, at least during my 24 years of living in this high desert country. How much more wondrous was the resurrection of our Savior, particularly as His followers never though they’d see him again. Yet because of the Resurrection on that day, I know, without a doubt, that I will see my husband again—and my parents, and my grandparents, and his parents and some dear friends—the list could continue on.

So, I challenge any readers, including myself, in light of Resurrection Sunday, to intentionally make Monday the beginning of the rest of your life. Take time on this special Sunday to look at relationships, habits, desires, and goals as you imagine Christ in His Resurrection Glory might look at them. As His light shines on your path, follow the leading He gives your life’s journey.

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