Friday, October 21, 2016

Which Will It Be?

Enervating? Or energizing? On a recent morning I woke up thinking of cocoons. Actually, I woke up thanking the Lord for the comfy, snuggly cocoon I was nestled in made of several blankets. Since I keep my hair cut short, my ears and neck are exposed, and when it comes to cold, winter winds or drafts in my bedroom, I pretty much become a hibernating human on chilly nights.

As I debated the pros and cons of emerging from my cocoon, there was the continuing warm, safe, snuggly sensation as opposed to the time on my clock announcing it was 6:22 AM. This was a day I could sleep in a bit, but I was properly "guilted" that I should get with my morning schedule as I had a full day ahead. 

As I pondered the idea of cocoons, I naturally thought of the lowly worm that encases itself in a cocoon and at the proper time emerges as a beautiful butterfly. That transformation or metamorphosis in nature is also possible supernaturally for us humans—not that we’ll become butterflies:) but we can become transformed. The apostle Paul explained this best in ­­­­Romans 12:2a, “…be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

So, just as I cannot stay in the comfy cocoon of my warm bedcovers on these chilly mornings, and as the worm cannot stay in its cocoon, I must emerge from that safe, snuggly spot, perhaps going so far as to get out of my so-called comfort zone and be/do whatever the Lord has laid out for me on a particular day. I can retire to my nest of snuggly, soon to be warmed by body heat, covers at the end of my day, ready to be energized at the start of a new day if He so wills.

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