Friday, August 17, 2012


 There is either a song by that title or the word is a very important of the lyrics. Anyway, that little snippet of words and music have been coming to mind recently.
There is a reason for that, which I will get to shortly.

I seem to couple anticipation with a certain amount of excitement or edginess, or maybe even nervousness although that has a hint of negativity and it seems anticipation is an all-positive experience. For that reason, it would probably be a good positive, mental exercise to go back in our memories and think of all the times we anticipated an event. (Hopefully, the reality lived up to the anticipation.)

I think of birthdays and Christmases, all of which include gathering together of friends and loved ones.   Of course I have to include parties and other holidays too.

In fact, all my anticipatory experiences do seem to be integrally involved with others.

Which leads to my most recent anticipation.  After we returned from Dean’s last round of chemo (last week), he said, “I think we should plan to go to your 50th high school class reunion.”  I had totally given up on going because doctor's appointments and treatments have pretty much eliminated any advance planning.  My graduating class numbered 20 and most of us have stayed connected throughout the years. Consequently, I was truly looking forward to this time together.

Since I have retired, we have driven rather than flown on our various travels to friends and relatives. I can’t help with the driving so Dean has to do it all so it’s a good thing he likes to drive. We really don’t know how he will be feeling by reunion time, so he suggested that I check into flights—and I found some great prices! 

So you can see where this is leading. And there is a plus to this anticipated trip. We will get to see my brother and his family, an older cousin, AND get to celebrate our older son’s birthday with him.  An-ti-ci-pa-tion! Ya gotta love it!!

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