been assigned the biohazard symbol to incorporate into a piece of wring, I was
curious about its beginnings. According to Wikipedia, Dow Chemical came up with
this symbol which is universally recognized, at least in the US, for caution
regarding a dangerous substance.
The symbol was chosen because it was “meaningless,
but memorable ,” and Dow even ran some test studies to check out how memorable
it actually was. The symbol apparently passed with flying colors.
educational background dealt with music education, not science, medicine, or
mining. Consequently, my first thought when seeing the biohazard symbol was
unorthodox--I saw circles with pieces missing--broken circles. That, in turn, led me to think of broken
relationships, broken marriages, and broken families, either caused by death or
I look at what I think of as broken circles (the biohazard symbol), it seems to
aptly represent our broken world. After all, we wouldn’t need this symbol if
there were no harmful substances present in the first place.
the beginning of time according to Genesis, the first book in the Old
Testament, our world was perfect, unbroken, like heaven on earth. Then mankind
decided to disobey God and their perfect world disappeared. Pain and death
plagued mankind as well as the other creatures that covered the earth. St. Paul
writes in the book of Romans that the creation (world) continues to groan for a
healing of its brokenness.
good news is our broken world now has the opportunity of healing the breaches
made by sin/disobedience. When God the Father sent Jesus, God the Son, to earth
as a baby who grew up to be a man, He culminated His work on planet earth by
dying on a cross. Miraculously taking our sins on Himself through His death, He did not stay dead!
Three days later, Jesus was once again alive, through an awesome manifestation
of God’s power. That was just the first step of hope for this broken world.
days later Jesus’ disciples watched Him ascend into heaven, no doubt with their
jaws dropping in amazement. The scripture says two men dressed in white suddenly
appeared beside them and asked, “Why are you standing here looking up into the
sky? Jesus, Who just left you, taken into heaven, will come back the same way.”
Jesus, the King, returns, the broken earth will be healed. The Hope of the Ages
will make all the broken circles complete. And we won’t need any more biohazard
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